best cookies ever?

I was at the grocery store and Koda Bear wanted banana chips. Cool. Whatever. I had two bunches of ripe, soon to be very ripe, bananas at home. I use them for smoothies. Or as they are often called around here, milkshakes. I know they are not but . . .
I do not have a dehydrator but I decided what would happen if I put banana slices in the oven over night at 170 degrees Fahrenheit. When I was small, I was a Campfire Girl and one Christmas we made carrot beads. Chopped carrots into slices and put them in a low oven over night. We made them into necklaces for our Moms. It also could be used for soup. I got looked at very strangely when I told this story.
I put a piece of parchment paper on a baking sheet. Covered it with banana slices. Put them into the oven at 170 degrees for about twelve hours.
Out came the "cookies" as Koda Bear calls them. They have a bit of chew in them I am told. My Beloved would say they taste like candy. Again, one of those things I would not eat but I do make for my family. If Koda Bear wishes to eat everyone of these, I will not say no. Sometimes he feels like he is sneaking and I just smile. It is just two bananas.

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