
I am not sure I should be writing now. My head is hurting something fierce and I have a tendency to babble when it feels like this. It may actually be the stress of the week is over causing my head to hurt. The comedy of errors that is going on is astounding. But I cannot do much about the comedy other then survive. It is going to be interesting.
The quilt top I have been working on is together. I now need to finish putting the back together. I do not have a piece of fabric that I like to go with it that is the correct size. But I can basically make a simpler quilt for the back. Which I am working on. I hope to have it finished it time for me to baste it without the help of Koda Bear. He sneaks off with my safety pins! You should see what he does with my button box! Did you know straight pins and buttons become swords? Koda Bear is a trip but it is much easier to baste the quilt without his help. I just to make sure doughnuts are ready to be fried on Sunday. I promised.
It will be a quiet weekend at my machine and wheel for me this weekend. I will continue to be amazed at how large my pumpkins are getting. And I was thinking about playing with lamination again. Though I saw a crazy video with plain and chocolate laminated doughs with a chocolate filling that makes me wish to experiment. I should have started something like that this morning so it may have to wait until next week. It was mentioned to a chef this week that I bake a little bit. As the story goes, he mentally rolled his eyes until he found out that I play with kouign amman. I have difficulties spelling it and enunciating it at times but I do. I was thinking about a cardamom roll or a croissant or a cornetti or . . . Do not leave unattended butter and dough in my vicinity this weekend. Which reminds me, I do think I need butter.
Some stitching is going to happen soon. Black fabric is being washed because it is all I wish to wear. Even though I picked up some flowered (floured :) ) linen. Something I have been looking for for years and found today. When I wish to wear is dark colours. I will wash it away and put it away until I feel like wearing colours again or have an event where black is not appropriate. Very few places where black is not appropriate but you never now.
See. I said I babble.

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