modification or mending?

I seem to be doing a lot of modifications lately. Long sleeve shirts to short sleeve. It is not really mending but it feels like it. And when there are ten shirts to be modified it is hard to get anything else done.
Life is full of things I am not enjoying currently. People at work that did not make the decision of me leaving are panicing. There is much work and many meetings. Many early meetings. So early that I do not have a chance to sew as much as I would wish. I am very tired by the time I get a quiet bit so it is hard to stay awake at the sewing machine. It is not as dangerous as other activities but still not good.
The next bit is going to be interesting as well. The Tall Short Person is back from Oregon for a few weeks. She will take Koda Bear with her. What I am going to do without my small helper? Yes, Chef!
I am hoping to get a bit of time on my machine on this weekend. Maybe? I have lots of work to do.

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