more lamination practice

Food poisoning. That has been what my week has been about. I thought lunch Tuesday was just not settling but it did not settle for two days. I am slowly doing better. My energy was low due to stress but it got even lower. I am not quite right but I am better.
I tried a new kouign amann recipe this last weekend. Levee Baking Company posted a recipe that looked like it was getting very good results. The recipes do not change that much but the technique does and her technique was spot on for me. She is also the first person who I have seen post that they used any whole wheat flour at all in their kouign amann so that was of interest.
I figured why not, and of course using sourdough, made it. It turned out quite well. There were a few more tweaks on my part due to a very warm kitchen, sourdough, and my oven but I was pleased. The last of the kouign amann were turned into a bread pudding for breakfast. That was fabulous!
kouign amann
Note: Adapted from Levee Baking Company to use sourdough.
sourdough starter
100 grams flour
100 grams water
135 grams flour (total flour can be up to half whole wheat. I used white whole wheat flour)
6 grams salt
75 grams water
14 grams butter
168 grams butter (I am going to make it easy if you are cutting from a measured block, 12 tablespoons)
1/4 to 3/4 cup sugar (VERY much an estimate, I just sprinkle)
Four to eight hours before it is needed, mix 100 grams flour, 100 grams water, and the sourdough starter together in a large bowl. Cover and let get bubbly. When it is bubbly, it is ready for use. Save some of the starter back for next time.
To the starter sponge, mix in the rest of the flour, salt, water, and butter. Start kneading in the bowl and when the dough has come together, turn out on a floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic. No more then ten minutes.
Put the dough in a clean bowl and cover or into a large ziploc. Let rise until double. When the dough has doubled, gently shape into a rectangle. Put in a plastic bag and place in the refigerator (a couple hours) or the freezer (20 minutes) until the dough has cooled.
While the dough is cooling, shape the 168 grams of butter into a 6 inch by 6 inch rectangle. It is easiest to do this between two pieces of parchment paper and using a rolling pin. Refrigerate until the dough has cooled.
Once the dough has cooled, place the rectangle on a floured surface. Roll out into a rectange that is about 12 inches by 12 inches. Place the butter in the middle. Bring the corners of the dough into the center and seal the dough.
Roll the dough/butter out into a large rectangle. Make a letter fold: left to middle, right over left. My kitchen was so warm at this point, I needed to refrigerate for 30 minutes. Roll the dough out into another rectangle, and do one more letter fold. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Prepare pan. This can be a cake pan if it is a family style kouign amann you are going for or muffin tins that are butterd and sugared.
Take the dough out of the refrigerator. Roll out onto a floured surface into another large rectangle. Sprinkle with sugar. Most recipes I have seen use too much sugar for me. I usually use about four soup spoons of sugar. Make a letter fold. Roll out into another large rectangle.
Cut the rectangle into 3 inch by 3 inch rectangles if you are making individual portions. Place the rectangle into a muffin cup and bring the corners to the center. Try to get them to stick. Cover and let rise while the oven preheats to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
Bake in the center of the oven. I started checking at 20 minutes and it took about 35, 40 minutes to get this colour. I checked every five. I actually had one tin on a bottom shelf and that tin of pastry had the bottom catch a bit. The center shelf tin just had a dark carmel.
I cut these when they were still too warm. Nice laminations and nice flavour.
I keep learning when it comes to sourdough and laminations. It is fun!

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