changing the nightgown

Coming back from the most recent camping trip, it became apparent to me that all my linen nightgowns had holes in them. The linen nightgowns are my favourites. I knew that I would need to be replacing them soon but I kept putting it off. And off. The Sitka trip over a year ago made me start thinking about making new nightgowns. That is how long I have put this off.
This week, I made myself a new nightgown. It has been years since I have had a nightgown with sleeves so I was also playing with the pattern. I now have a new piece of favourite clothing. It is just the A-line dress I like very long. And in my favourite white linen for sleeping. I am working on another one so I can play with the pattern. Then I will make that pattern so I do not have to patch it together for next time.
Maybe it is time to go back to Sitka . . .

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