I could breath for a week!

Since Harvey, my allergies have been horrible. Gallivanting for the last week and a half made them better. But I woke up this morning home but my face swelling again. Oh well. I would not mind being camping and traveling still!
The adventures started with the Taos Fiber Fair. I went to this about two years ago and was not impressed. But I enjoyed Taos. I figured why not. This time was much better. The first positive was that it really felt like autumn there. It does not feel like autumn in Houston! I was taking pictures of seed pods and dryed grassses.
Then there was the fair! I was surprised. There were a few sheep to look at and I found a beautiful Turkish spindle. The wood that was used made it too hard for me to pass up. It is a little bit larger then most of mine but I always have a use for a Turkish spindle. I can break it down flat, put a small bag of fiber in my pack, and be able to spin anywhere. Yes, I am that person.
I came home with four fleeces. One is an Icelandic lamb in black. I want a black cardigan and I want to play with Icelandic fleece. The other three are CVM crosses. I got told it is much cheaper to buy a fleece then it is to raise a sheep. And I get more variety. I will take this logic.
I also bought yarn. The earth tones here were picked by my Beloved. I will make him a sweater. The blues are going to become a shawl. A shawl that has a knitted pattern but I am going to crochet.
I also picked up two kits for the Taos Mountain shawl. One with a pattern and one not. I am changing the pattern from knit to crochet. I am also making it a bit bigger so I use more of the extra yarn. And I like large shawls.
I got to thinking about why I buy yarn when I am traveling. A lot of the yarn I purchase is truly not speciality yarn but yarn you are only going to find at a local yarn store and not a large craft store. Most of the local yarn stores that were near where I live most of the time are no longer in business for a myriad of reasons. I travel. I find yarn. I buy yarn. In Houston, I make yarn. It is an interesting conundrum.
I really enjoyed the Taos Fiber Fair this year. Enough to go back next year whether it is just for itself or I am traveling on to somewhere else. If nothing else, it is a grand way for me to experience a little bit of autumn. And this week back already looks like it is going to be quite crazy to I will take a bit of peace as I go.
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