dressing gown

After updating my nightgown pattern and style, I started to wish for a dressing gown. Part of it was due to the linen that I chose for the nightgown. It was not very heavy. But the style of the nightgown is such that I have a tendency to live in it a bit in the morning. It is really more of a simple dress pattern. I am so not surprised.
But due to the lightness of the linen, I just needed something for a bit of warmth. A sweater could be an option but most sweaters are falling apart and I have not replaced them. I wanted something that I could wrap around myself and would be as long as the nightgown. I became obsessed with having a dressing gown. I took out the nightgown pattern, which is a dress pattern, and a kimono pattern and got to work.
I also had a few interruptions. Koda Bear is learning to sew on my sewing machine. I hopefully hide how anxious this makes me. Both due to his fingers and the age of my machine. He asks about every time I sit down to sew. I usually have to finish a seam but then I let him. I am going to need to set aside fabric for random stitching.
With all the help, I have a dressing gown. This picture was taken early in my wearing of it. I find that I do not tie it as tightly any more. I usually tie it at the side and it looks more like a kimono, flowing vest style. The weight of the linen is nice because it is heavier.
It is just a garment that pleases me. I would not mind finding more of the linen for a regular day dress either. Or a nightgown. But I think this is more due to the lines of dressing gown and the colour. It really speaks to me. I wear it everyday. It is nice say that about something you make. But that means I will wear it out which is also frustrating.
But that is life.

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