bear crap

This week has gotten away from me. The weather has been cold here. Not that that is a huge thing for most people, but the idea of snow and ice shuts this city down. Let alone ice, snow, and temperatures in the teens. I do not walk if there is ice, lightening, or my path is flooded. The ice was because of my parents and I did not expect it here. I did not walk one day because of ice.
My Beloved came to me and said one of the other boyos brought in this sweet, salty, savory, chocolately snack into the shop. My Beloved wanted to see if we could create something similar. We created something. I thought it would be interesting to show the beginning steps.
This is not going to be the final recipe but I can tell you that the boyos like it. I actually think it should be made more similar to a chocolate bark but I have heard no complaints. I actually do not know what all is in it. There are some pretzels, chocolate covered pretzels, Chex, mini marshmallows. We experimented with melting chocolate with some marshmallows and folding it in. Not quite right. But I also think that part of the problem may have been the type of chocolate that was used. Every bit of chocolate that was not nailed down was used.
I know all of this will get eaten. I know I have a half roasting pan full of non-chocolated bits and pieces that I can play with some more. I will just keep laughing.
I may be quiet in this space this coming weekend and week. Memorials, a funeral, and recovery will need to happen. I am just taking breaths.
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