gave myself permission

I gave myself permission to go down a creative rabbit hole yesterday. Instead of being on the computer. Instead of opening a bundle or too. Instead of dyeing something. Instead of work on presents. Instead of crocheting. I started something new. And I think I am going to continue today.
I like figuring things out. I like learning. So every time I go down that creative rabbit hole, I have that potential. I am still loving the ecoprinting but there is a need for something different. Many moons ago, I made stuffed animals and dolls. I have made the jointed stuffed animals. It is not hard. Mostly, it is just hard on the hands. But a doll has been wheighing on my mind. For some reason, making a doll has been a need. So this week I have been starting that process. I now have a body.
The body also has a face but I think I am going to change the face. The body does not have hair but I have ideas around that. Which means my crochet hook will come out again. I think part of it was I needed to sit at my sewing machine more. My crochet hook is much more mobile so it is easier to take with me. At times I will get to where I just want to embroidery when we are traveling. I think that has to do with needing to stitch as well.
Still hands do not work for me well. And I am going to need more mobile projects soon as well. I will figure it out.
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