
It may sound crazy but I have been working on crocheted octopus this weekend. I have a baby shower to go to and I decided to make one as part of a gift. I usually bring a hat I have made. A hat is a simple thing but actually is shown to increase mortality rates in babies. It has everything to do with small babies do not regulate their temperatures well.
Recently, it has become apparent that crocheted octopus calm babies. Especially newborns. Then tentacles feel like the umbilical cord. It is especially true with premies. They do not pull out all the cords and tubes they are attached to if they have an octopus near.
This green octopus and hat are going with me to a friend's baby shower this weekend. I do not dread my friend or the giving of gifts. The shower has on the other hand. I do not enjoy parties like this so it will be interesting. I can always come home for a cup of tea and hide in a book afterwards!
I stuffed both of the octopus with wool. They are machine washable and the wool heads will act like a dryer ball in the dryer. The yarn is cotton. Wool is antibacterial so life is good.
I made the yellow one for Koda Bear. I figured why not. The green one I kind of followed a pattern. The yellow one I did not. I like how I made the yellow one better. I know of one more baby that will need an octopus so that is a good thing.
Koda Bear said the green octopus for the baby did not need a face. I liked the short person's opinion. But he did believe the hat should be worn by the octopus. If you pull the hat down, the octopus looks more like a squid.
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