and then....

My body crashed yesterday. I got up. My morning walk went well. Tea and food happened. Bread was started. Yarn was spun. And then, intense pain and exhaustion. I laid down and slept for two or three hours. There was one point I came away enough to notice and remember a crunch noise/feeling when I stretched.
I know I have been overdoing. I know there has been change. I know there has been stress. I should not have been surprised at all and really was not. I was more frustrated with the timing. My body could not have waited until evening?
When I woke up from the nap, I really was not moving. Hobbling across the house to make tea or go to the bathroom was about my limit. But I could sit in my rocking chair next to my basket of yarn. I got cuddles from Koda Bear when he needed a break from playing and he is healing as well. He took a fall the day before which pulled a muscle in his groin. There are times you can tell it is still grabbing him.
The blanket I am making for Ziggy Monster grew. It is blues and greys. All leftover bits, gifted bits, or homespun bits. I like how it is turning out. Koda Bear has a similar one that I made him before he was born. It is blue. It is based on a pattern I saw on Purl Soho. Except it was a knitting pattern. I, of course, changed it to crochet. It becomes a very soft blanket.
It was about my speed yesterday. Today, I am doing all the things I can before I crash again. We promised Koda Bear we would finish opening Christmas presents today so I have to be away enough for that tonight. One step at a time!

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