deconstructing because of changing ideas

That sharpening truck I was building? Yeah. I took it apart Wednesday and Thursday. Yes, I worked on Thanksgiving. It is okay because it was a low key Thanksgiving for us but I think I might have preferred to work on some of my own projects.
My Beloved and his engineering friend decided what I was building was not going to work in the long run. Mostly hold up. I can be okay with that. Since I had problems taking parts of it apart, that may not be a true statement but I can change. It seems like most wood projects that my Beloved is part of change scope. The question is how many times do they change scope! If this is the only one, cool! But if not, I have ideas on how to do this build better. Part of building is taking things apart.
I drove a couple hours one way yesterday to look at a different solution. I could not see it in that form. We are going to go look at a different solution on Monday. I did get to eat Thanksgiving leftovers outside in a rest area yesterday! I did realize that I wanted to keep going west. North would have been good too.
Am I in the holiday spirit? Not really. Though have downloaded a radio app on my phone for a station that only plays Christmas music between now and Christmas. I like the decorations. The music. Some of the food. I like making things for people but time might be very limited this year. I will do what I can. I will take care of the Bear and the Velociraptor. Then, it will be my Beloved and the Tall Short Person. Everything else may be limited except for my Mom's stocking, which I normally do. Instead of cookies, I am thinking about sending everyone scones and homemade jam. Because the jam is already made and the scones are much less work then dozens of cookies.
I will have Koda Bear help me hang the tree when he gets home tomorrow. We may have an actual tree as well this year. Though I am thinking about purchasing the live Alberta spruce I saw at the grocery store. It might survive in the yard if I plant it!

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