A shrug

Last Thanksgiving, I was in Tolt Yarn and Wool with the family. The Tall Short Person saw a picture of a knitted shrug she liked. It was the Emma shrug by Carrie Hoge. As I have said many times, I do not knit.
Carrie had done the shrug in a linen yarn. It was not very soft so I went with an alpaca blend yarn. It was a lace weight. I found a stitch pattern for a wave type ribbon pattern that made an interesting fabric. The same feel as what Carrie had knitted but very different.
I did buy the pattern so I could get all the measurements. Even though I used a softer yarn which created a stretchier fabric, I went with those measurements. The shrug fits across the Tall Short Person's back well.
I bought too much yarn so I have enough to make at least one more. Maybe even two depending on the size of the person I am making it for. How much yarn depends on the chest measurement.
I am thinking about making something similar for myself but out of a heavier yarn. More like a sweater shrug. I am doing smaller things for me so I can still put my hands into dough up to my elbows and not get my crocheted items doughy. I find shawls fall in. And the place between my shoulder blades get cold easily. I usually have to sleep in sweater.

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