the newest bread iteration

Bread is one of those things that I go along happily making the same recipe for months, years. And then I read something. Or see a picture. The recent read was the Nordic Baking book (tome) by Magnus Nilsson. I also listened to a BBC broadcast where he was being interviewed.
The main jist of the conversation was that Nordic baking was really quite good. If not superior to say French baking because of all the hurdles that needed to be surmounted. A lot of that baking never left the small regional area it started.
There was also a lot of conversation about how Nordic baking could be used as our climate changed and there were less places wheat could grow. Also, the grains that were and are being developed in that part of the world are much hardier to the changes in climate. When the rock record is studied, it is actually quite interesting to see how even though there is an increase in global temperature, there are parts of the world where the microclimate gets colder.
I could get into a long discussion about climate change but the basics are I believe in climate change. Climate has always changed and is very cyclic. I do believe that humans have affected the rate of change and that is going to impact our children and grandchildren. We need to do better for them. But the Earth will be okay without us. It will heal.
What has this to do with bread? After the conversations about Nordic baking and climate change, I was intrigued about how my oatmeal bread would taste with a cup rye added to it. I have been making yogurt cheese so I replaced one cup of the two cups of water I normally use with one cup of whey. A cup of rolled oats and a cup of rye were added to the batter. The amount of wheat flour that was used was about four cups. I kept the salt, sugar, and butter the same. I have been kneading my butter in. A little more work but a better loaf. It helps develop the gluten because of the lower gluten levels with the oats and rye.
These changes made an exceptionally tasty loaf. It went wonderfully with the honey my best friend has been sending me. I get boxes of love which usually contain honey and yarn. Someone who knows me well! I am going to keep making this. Especially since I have two quarts of whey in the refrigerator. The last loaf I did I used two cups of whey and no water so there would be room in the refrigerator for the next batch of whey from the yogurt cheese. Yes, I can be that frugal. And if small boys only wish to eat bread for a day, I know they are getting good food.
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