a honey dipper

While I have been learning to sharpen, I have been building the sharpening truck and occasionally gotten given a task by the boyos. This honey dipper came into the shop that needed some tender loving car. It is used to dip honey out of a vessel and dribble over lovely things. It is like my crochet hooks. If it had been given a bit more care, it would have been lovely.
I started at a 120 grit sandpaper and worked all the way up to a 2000. Then I added a mineral oil and beeswax mix. I rubbed it in all over and let it dry a bit. Sanded it with 2500 grit and then did it again. I thought it turned out lovely. It was much nicer then when it started.
I do enjoy these small projects. I will get cutting boards made someday. And I will be well. This crud is hanging on a long time.

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