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quarantine shawl

I found this last month and the start of this month to be hard.  I am missing my Mom.  She would do Thanksgiving and Christmas.  25 people at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner were not unusual.  And the number of nativity scenes!  Oh my gosh! 

I was at my Dad's for Thanksgiving and so was my brother.  5 at the table was not normal.  We were all a little bit sad.  I am finding that I am wanting more quiet and less words.

I have taken to working in my garden more.  I am trying to walk everyday, even if they are short walks.  I have been skateboarding at my Dad's.  I am trying to learn how to dance on a skateboard.  Being outside helps.  Creating helps but is hard too.  I have so many works in progress it is not funny!

At the beginning of the stay at home orders, I started a shawl.  I have been calling it a quarantine shawl.  I finished it at my Dad's during Thanksgiving week.  I sent it off to my best friend, which is why it is not fully pictured here.  I want her to be surprised!  It is a lovely weight and is cozy.  Cozy is huge.  She lives and moves around in states that actually have winter.

Now I need to work on another project now.  I have multiple shawls, sweaters, and one vest in the works.  Which one is the question.  Which one too that will travel well as well.  I am off to my Dad's again soon.  More doctors.

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