becoming more quiet

My life is still revolving around my sewing machine. The requests for face masks has slowed down but it is still going on. I still am sewing every day.
I am going with my Beloved and Koda Bear next week to visit my Dad and he asked for face masks. Again, more face masks. I just hope I guessed the right size. I am taking my patterns with me in case I need to remake them. I have made over 150 so far. And some of the chefs I know have seen my skeleton fish fabric. There are more requests coming. Most of them know I am traveling.
I did take time for myself over Mother's Day. I made myself a wrap skirt out of two dresses I used to wear to my office job. I will never wear those dresses again so I repurposed. I may potentially run out of thread during all of this staying at home. I will go to eBay for it before I buy new.
Part of the difficulty for me sitting down to write at the computer during this time is both how much work I have and how much I am helping Koda Bear with school. I am spending a lot of time on the computer with him. I would teach his classes differently. But I am here and not the teacher. We will get through.
Traveling next week is going to be interesting. But I will be glad to see my Dad. We also plan to go to the mountain and I am looking forward to that a lot. The next time a stay at home order occurs, I hope to have a cabin on the mountain. That is where I will stay at home next.
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