vest? tunic? i do not know what to call it

I was watching skateboarders on Instagram and I saw one of the skaters wearing this sweater thing. It covered the body but left the arms free. I really liked it.
I then saw it again in a Chinese drama I have been watching on Netflix. That got me to look on Pinterest. I saw so many ideas for sweater type garments without sleeves. Not really vests. Not really tunics. Not really sweaters. But I thought the shape would work well for my life. No sleeves in dough or in the way but keeping my back and front warm. Between my shoulder blades does get cold.
I had some skeins of Lion Brand wool that I had been gifted and I thought why not. Especially since it was black yarn. I did not have a pattern which means I ripped out the start how many times! I also connected the sides how many different ways until I was happy with it.
But now? This is a go to garment. I wear it almost every day and I am waiting for it to dry when I wash it. With a small velociraptor and a Bear in my life, I am not the only one who gets it dirty. I am making one in an olive green for my best friend but I keep thinking I should make another. I have green and red yarn that would work. If I want black, I will need the yarn and I just might do that! I have to make yarn for the sweater I am working on for my best friend anyway. It just slows down production!

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