another old thing to my collection

I went to the Texas Art Asylum with my Beloved a few weeks ago. He picks up cigar boxes to put the steak knives he makes in. I always wander when we are in there and look at things because you will never know what you will find. Well, I walked right over to this lovely old typewriter first thing. I walked out without it because what would I do with it! It stayed in my mind and I went back a week later and bought it. I am so glad I did.
They said it was working but it really needed some tender loving care. I took it to this old gentleman who this his thing. He fixes old office equipment especially old typewriters. He told me that the cops should be after me because i stole this typewriter for what I paid for it.
But he worked his magic. It types well. In both black and red. The case is even in good shape. He told me to research how to refurbish it because it was just soaking up all the oils he was putting on it. Another task to work on.
I really do not know what I will use this for. Maybe just a lovely tool to have in my print shop. Or maybe to write letters on when my hands hurt. The keys are easier on them then holding a pen and my hands are not happy with most of the time right now. More fish oil! Because I do not want my Doc to be right in the long run. I always hope that blood test comes back negative.