laughing at the comedy of errors of my day

My day was a comedy of errors. I laughed so hard that I am exhausted. The laughter was very much a choice though because the other option was to be angry and frustrated. I just wanted to come home and work on my sweater dress. The front piece is growing slowly. I am almost half done. So I listen to audio books and crochet. Miss a boy. Maybe that is a big part of the tired as well. Or the exhaustion.
I am looking forward to mountains this coming weekend and needing a coat. Maybe there will be tea and crochet. I may bring this so my best friend can see it. There is a 50/50 chance she will be joining. She has not worked with alpaca yet and this is awfully soft. The new stitch is working out well. I am converting the knit pattern almost one to one at this point. It is exciting.
More tea is needed. Or maybe a glass of bubbly wine with the pizza I am making for dinner.