scrappy afghan

It is fitting that I finished this afghan on a camping trip. I started putting it together in the dark by the fire the last time on we were on the mountain. I started with a Posie Gets Cozy granny square pattern. Changed it a little bit so it made more sense to me (and sometimes the yarn I was using). I also used a different connection method I had found. All that combined means there was a lot of learning. I also tried to fall down the rock as I was placing it. Of course, my Beloved got that picture and I thought I would share.
It turned out well. Even though there are a lot of bits I can tell I was not paying as much attention to the making of the square as I should have. Also, there was supposed to be one more row each way. That is what I get for working on it by fire light. It does smell good.
It is the perfect size for a small boy to fall asleep with. Already tested that. It made me smile.