winter's rest

I think exhaustion could be the word that I use for this week. I have been exhausted. My body is also reacting to stress by trying to get sick. I have tried to be still.
In my stillness, I have picked up my crochet hook and worked on some half finished projects. My best friend had gifted me some yarn called winter's rest. The yarn was not colors I would normally be drawn to but for some reason I was.
I decided to create a pullover sweater because I have been wearing more skirts and pants. The first iteration of it had much too much fabric under the arms. I ripped it almost completely out and started again. I took it with me on my travels and finished yesterday while I was sitting. I sat yesterday. I am doing more then I did yesterday today so far but not much.
I am really pleased with how this sweater turned out. How long it will stay in this shape? I am not sure. It is REALLY warm for being cropped. Making it into a cardigan shape may be needed so I can open the front. But it goes well with my jeans.
I have no problems ripping out sweaters to remake them at this point in my life. I really should just make cardigans but I do occasionally wear a pullover. Usually with pants! Though I have worn them over some of my less full a-line dresses.
The next sweater I am working on while I sit is a black cardigan. It is gifted yarn as well. But today seems like I need to be horizontal more then yesterday. But I have also moved more already. I hope I feel well enough to go to the grocers store later today. I will feel better slowly.