Entries in experiment (7)


tomato soup

We were giving a cookie decorating party this weekend (more on that tomorrow) and I said I would make soup.  It was suggested that I make tomato soup which I can say that I do not particularly care for.  But Russell's eyes lit up when I told him that it had been a suggestion.  It was what his mother gave him when he was sick.  So, I tried.

Here is the funny thing, I have never tasted tomato soup I like so I was just really going by what I thought should be in it.  I had someone eat this soup who does not like tomato soup and another friend tell me it was the best tomato soup he has ever had.  Try it.

Tomato soup

3 to 4 tablespoons olive oil

1 to 2 pounds roma tomatoes, sliced

1 medium onion, sliced

4 cloves garlic

1/2 cup fresh basil leaves, very loosely packed (we had a fresh handful from the garden)

1/8 teaspoon oregano

1 teaspoon salt or to taste

1/2 teaspoon black pepper or to taste

2 to 4 cups of vegetable broth, preferably homemade

Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Put the olive oil in a large ovenproof pan and put in the tomatoes.


Add the onions, garlic clove, and basil.  Sprinkle with the oregano.  Place in the oven and roast about 40 minutes.

It should look like this.  Put a pot on the stove and put the roasted vegetables in.  Pour in about 1 cup of vegetable broth and use an immersion blender to blend.  Or you can use a regular blender.  I needed to use about two to three cup of broth to get the consistency of soup I wished.  You can make it thick or thin.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

I served this with homemade rolls.  

This was an experiment and there was barely a serving left over when the pot was scraped!  There were even a few roasted potato and sweet potato chunks blended in left over from breakfast.  This could just be called roasted vegetable soup.  Too bad my eggplant is dying or I would try a roasted eggplant soup.

More experimentations for next summer! 


experimentations in vegan chocolate crinkles

Last night, I had another evening alone and decided that I really needed chocolate and tea.  Cookies it was to be.  I thought I would take another stab at the chocolate crinkles I had made before and was not quite happy with.  I wrote down what I thought I was going to try.

I mixed up my experimental list.  

Baked them.

Then had them with tea.  

This recipe is close.  One more try I think.  I am going to leave out the cocoa and lessen the flour.  Good but not as good as they could be.  It does not mean they are going to get composted though.  They are coming to work in my lunch every day.  It is something to make the day better.

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