another try on bear scat

I would rather be sitting in front of a fire crocheting right this minute. It is where I am feeling the most creative. I have a shawl in my head I am trying to translate into reality. But the boyos need snacks. I tried another version of bear scat. This is more bear bark then scat but still not quite right.
It starts with a layer of bittersweet chocolate.
Then a layer of peanut butter mixed with white chocolate.
The peanut butter layer and the chocolate layer really worked.
Then, I chopped gluten free pretzels and salted cashews for the scat. I doubled the amount of these the recipe I was following called for. I should of doubled it again maybe. Or added more salt.
I dropped the cashews and pretzels on top of the chocolate layer. Drizzled more chocolate and peanut butter mixture over it. It still needed more stuff. So either another cereal or double the pretzels and cashews. With the cashews, I might add a touch of salt as well. The flavor was not quite strong enough.
The boyos are eating this but because it is not as easy to grab a handful, it is not being eaten as fast. I will get to the right combination and have a recipe at some point! But the boyos like the variety of trying different things.