How to cook a wolf

I am really not cooking wolves. I am referring to the book written by MFK Fisher called How To Cook A Wolf. Basically, it is a well known treatise on who to make ends meet in a very common sense way. It was written in 1942 and still is very wise.
Where it comes to play in my life, is that we have added three people to our household. Plus the boyos in the shop. We have money for food but when there are no plans for food, what to eat at 7 pm becomes difficult. Because the food in my kitchen is food that needs to be made into something most of the time. Which means that food for dinner might not happen until 9.
Also, Koda Bear can come home from school hungry. I do not plan snack food. There is usually bread but what if more is wanted. Or needed. He is growing.
One part of the solution is to make sure there is soup in the house. I took a potato bacon soup that Koda Bear did not really like, greens that really needed to be used, beans, and vegetable broth and put is all into the slow cooker.
I let it cook all day. Then blended it. I adjusted the seasonings and all was good. I served it to family company later the first evening. I ate it before I went coaching. It is just nice to have in the refrigerator as a go to. And it is made!
More of this is happening in my life. It also cleans out the refrigerator a bit. When I have veg that is not at its best, I can always blend it into soup. I do admit, most of these come out vegetarian but it does all depend on what bits and blobs are left over from past meals.