
Another thing I did this last weekend was weave. A lot. My Beloved commented on how long I was able to sit and weave. Part of it was that I have gained some endurance. Part of it was that I am learning and that is always exciting. Part of it wast that I got to change colors which always puts a smile on my face.
Part of it was that I had to pay attention and I could not worry as hard. My Grandmother fell last week. She is 99 and 3/4. We are planning her 100th birthday party and she broke her hip at a friends home last week. A silly little fall. Talk about me being worried though. And my tall short person! Worried! Her Grandmother and Grandfather and Mother are supposed to live for eternity, doncha know! I get threatened! It puts a smile on my face to be that well loved after all the tribulations but she comes by her worry honestly. I worry. I worry well. This weaving and the sock from yesterday were worry beads. They kept my hands busy and because I was learning, I was able to pay attention to something other then my worries. As the tall short person said, I have never prayed so hard unless the Beloved or the Tall Short person are in the hospital. The sock and the weaving hold my prayers. I become like Grandmother Spider and weave my prayers into the cloth I am making.
My type of worry beads. And the prayers were answered. Surgery went well. My Grandmother was sitting and standing this last weekend. Her daughters were going to find a rehab facility they were happy with. Best not to get in the way of those three, especially when it comes to their Mother. She should be moved today or tomorrow. It is supposedly close to a frozen custard place that she likes. What a way to make a smile!
It does not mean my hands are any less still. Just the prayers are not so adamant. Quieter prayers. Because I can be quieter. Peace. Healing. Love. Balance. Joy. Every day prayers. What a better way to pray then to bind prayers into something your loved ones will use?