quilt festival

Living in Houston means I have easy access to the International Quilt Festival. I find I do not really enjoy the trade show but I do enjoy the actual festival show. This time, because of what I do for joy and in my shop, I decided to go to the whole thing. I am unable to go to SAFF this year because I am going with my Beloved to a butchering foodie all weekend into the start of next week. I want to learn some butchering so it is a good place to start. SAFF will need to wait. I do have enough fiber to spin.
The trade show was interesting but not insightful. I did pick up some dress fabric though. Yes, I know. It was a quilt festival. And a couple Christmas tree panels that I had talked about that style with a quilt with a friend last year. Also, a handful of fabric chips. Just like paint chips, but fabric. I will use them in a quilt and a gift.
The festival show gave me some ideas. I did not like much of that but that is okay. The lighting was very poor for pictures and I also was trying not to get run over.
I did learn a few things. When I make digital quilts, I truly need to make the black less black. I learned I am really drawn to monochromatic or subtly coloured quilts on the whole. Not always, but mostly. It is why I ask for help picking out fabrics from other people. Different tastes!
I do like nature quilts and quilts with a lot of hand work, not just machine. The blurry octoganle quilt above has every piece embroideried. I do not like thread painting. Which is all machine. Just embroider silly!
But I will admit that part of the best part of the day was sitting down in one of my Beloved's customer's bar. I had a few adult beverages and smoked fish spread with crackers after the festival. I had not brought enough of my own food and I will eat Justin's. Public Services is a place that you can go with friends or, my particular favourite, sit with in a comfortable chair with a book and enjoy a lovely beverage. After so many people, this was me.
My small pile of purchases from the trade show. Ideas are already percolating so that is all good.
Long day. Today is focused on baking bread for the weekend. We will be sharing. Hopefully, I will capture pictures for here.