scrub caps

Since I have been back, life has been none stop.
The sharpening bus is being used even though it is not quite finished. We did a farmer's market yesterday and one will be done today. We purchased a bus that had a handicap lift in it. That thing is wonderful for moving grinders!
I am off to Minneapolis at the end of this week. All the grinders for scissors and clippers are here. I am going to learn how to sharpen them all! The one thing I am kind of excited about is fish hooks.
Part of non-stop is trying to get all the face masks I have been requested to make made. Family is realizing they need more. I understand this because I do not step outside home without one. Even sometimes in my own yard. It is just about having enough not to have to do laundry every day. I am also still getting Etsy sales for them. Other people feel the same way. One of my customers puts them by the front door so they are all over her neighborhood.
My Beloved had a dental appointment once we got back. His face mask was commented on and he was asked if I could make scrub caps with room for pony tails. So I did. The feedback on these were that they worked well and also the button to attach a face mask was nice. I have those on Etsy too now.
Not what I though I would be sewing but it is what I am doing. I have decided that coaching ice skating in Houston right now is not wise. Being at my sewing machine is much wiser. I keep hoping I will be able to plant dye, ecoprint, or embroidery some face masks. Maybe for me? But my me moments currently are about making myself a cardigan. Thinking Ladys' of the Canyon style (Joni Mitchell). But I also want a barn jacket/field jacket like that.
And I am babbling again. I have been sharing my computer since the stay at home order started. Also, for the knife business. Maybe I will also have to and inspiration to post more. I do not find face masks or scrub caps very inspiring to me to write about very often but they are my days.