Entries in sewing (277)


spoiling ourselves strangely

We took a camping trip a few weeks ago.  We have a travel trailer and the mattress never pleased our backs.  So we having been looking for a new mattress.  While, camping we did some shopping and walked into a high end mattress and linens store (organic mattresses).  They had the rocking chair I have been looking at forever and I actually got to sit in it.  I like it as much as I thought I would.  Soft for my arthritis ridden body.  Just cradled me.

But back to the bed.  We did not see a mattress we liked.  But we liked the linens.  The sheets and pillowcases were linen and so soft.  Soft in our life is paramount.  The price was a bit prohibitive though.  $150 for one standard pillowcase.  

We went fabric shopping instead.


We touched many bolts of linen at the fabric store.  There were some very soft ones and then we narrowed it down to four.  I had Russell pick the color.

I bought two yards.  I took those two yards and cut it into two one yard lengths.  I cut ten inches off the width and french seamed the long edge and one short edge.  On the other short edge, I put a six inch hem in.


We have two linen pillowcases.

I made the bed with clean sheets when I put the pillowcases on the pillows.  I pulled out the sheets I had made.  I made them out of ninety inch cotton muslin and embroidered the top sheet's top edge in orange and brown and am amazed how well they match without trying.  These are my favorite sheets in the house.

I think linen sheets, more linen pillowcases, and more embroidered sheets are in our future at some point.   


everyone liked it

I have been working on a dress for a couple of weeks.  I really liked the fabric but it is very busy.  I was also planning on a wrap bodice for it.

I added the skirt to it and tried it on.  The bodice was not quite right and the fabric as a dress was just TOO much.


I refashioned even before the it was finished.  I cut the bodice off and finished the waist band.  Added buttons and wore it to work on Monday.  I got so many compliments.  I think part of it was that this is not the normal style of print I wear.  But I like it.

The bodice is going to become quilt pieces.  I have been making at least one nine square a day.  I will have a new quilt within the year.


"new" sewing  machine

When we go traveling, I always end up wanting to sew.  But my machine is a piece of furniture and weighs as much as I do.

However, I found a portable sewing machine.


It is a 1900 Singer made in England.  Which means it is two years older then my treadle sewing machine I use everyday.  The cool thing is that it uses the same bobbin, shuttle, and bobbin winder for both.  It weighs a ton but it means it can go with us when we travel.  It does not take any electricity.

It is a hand crank!  Which means I can take it anywhere with us and have a sewing machine.  Even Douglas Fir National Campground or Elwha River National Campground.  Elwha is actually less primitive then Douglas Fir, it has running water for part of the year.

I can just envision myself at our picnic table sewing under the evergreens at both!  Yes, I know, be aware of bears! (Yes, there are bears in the vicinity of both)


a skirt

Before, after I posted yesterday, i did some cleaning out of my closet.  We used to have not enough hangers.  And even before the idea of paring my wardrobe down to six articles of clothing, I had been weeding out clothes.  Clothes that did not fit right.  Clothes that were not my style anymore.  Clothes that were falling apart.  Now, we have too many hangers.  I think it is time to give some away.

I did make a skirt recently.

I was moving when this picture was taken.  

This skirt works both at home and at work.  It actually needs to go in the wash already because it so comfortable and versatilel.  I am not sure how long it will last though because the fabric is called homespun and is fairly thin and soft.  It fits all the my requirements currently.  Work and home.  Now if it just wore like steal!

I do not mind this taking up a hanger.  I may empty a few more first (evil grin).


rethinking clothes

I have been in the corporate world almost twenty years.  Much too long.  I have never really felt comfortable wearing the clothes I am most comfortable in to work.  That means my closet and drawers are much fuller then they need to be.  Or I would like them to be.

I also read an interesting article in the New York Times last week about two people who decided to pare their wardrobe down to six pieces of clothing (except underwear) total.  This speaks to me.  I am not ready to do this, because I do love to sew.  But I am ready to start combining my wardrobes so the clothes that I wear at work are the same that I wear at home.  

So my addiction to aprons will come in handy.  It will help keep the clothes I wear unstained, cleaner longer for wearing around the house.  I can work on getting down to the six pieces of clothing.  I do not think I can do the frontier woman wardrobe of two dresses.  I am not there yet.

I do have a new apron:

I made this out of white muslin that Russell did not like for his shirts.  I added a colored binding and apron straps.  They should look familiar.  They are from a different dress!

I was thinking it would feel too white, but it actually does not.  The change in color helps.  I need more aprons and there is more of this fabric, so it is good.

How many aprons do I need you ask?  I figure a minimum of five for each kitchen.  Three kitchens.  That means fifteen aprons.  Russell says eight per kitchen.  That would mean twenty four.  Maybe the better statement is enough aprons so I always have a clean one when I need one.