a new sewing machine in the house

I am still baking cookies. So many cookies! I still feel like I am absorbing sugar through my skin. I have not even gotten to most of my Christmas sewing. But there is a new sewing machine in the house. I am going to start playing with leather.
When I made the prototype chef roll with vintage fabrics, I realized that in actuality that a leather chef's roll would be faster to make because all the edges do not need to be finished. I had to make a run to get D rings and when I did, I got a chance to play with this leather sewing machine. I had Koda Bear with me and he could even make it work.
You pull the lever down. You have a stitch. It can go through the thickness of leather you can get under the foot. It is actually rather simple.
My everyday treadle machine cannot handle this thickness of material or this thickness of thread so this is a win. I will say I keep giving advice and reading the manual to guide others, but so far I have not gotten a chance to play. Bright shiny toy! I will get that chance though.
The other thing is that when we went looking for thread, I stumbled across an industrial treadle sewing machine. It needs to be refurbished but someone is planning to do that. I might just be getting one of that refurbishement ever happens!