rag dolls

At the last minute are plans changed for Christmas. My Beloved's grandmother is not doing well so we traveled to his parents' home. She does not live far from them. But this meant we had to reconsider gifts, especially for his sister's children. I truly feel if gifts are to be given it is all about the short people.
The youngest is very into Disney's Cars. Months ago I had found panels that would make him a small quilt in that theme. I had everything else around the house so it was a fast stitching.
I decided on rag dolls for the two middles. I used a very old eight inch doll pattern that I had from years ago.
I have always had issues with faces and hair but I think the faces are improving.
I have to admit that I would use a larger doll pattern next time. Getting my fingers in some spots was difficult: turning arms for stuffing and getting the legs on. These two babies actually stitched up quite quickly. Twelve or eighteen inch would take more fabric for both the dolls and the clothes but they would be easier to make. My Beloved thought it was scandalous to put a picture of them here naked!
Now the hair. I am still not happy with it. I used old cashmere sweater pieces that I was going to card into fiber to respin. One short and one long haired because that is who they are.
I made pillowcase dresses for them. I think they were rather strange looking baby dolls so I am not going to be offended if they are never played with. Just not my fortier but they keep getting better!
I did make bags for each of the babies and put a purple ribbon shoulder strap on each. I find bags appeal to all people and they just may get used.
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