warping on New Years Eve

I have been having a craving to weave for the last couple months. Trying to work and setup a loom during the holiday season is a bit difficult. Today was one of the first quiet days I have had. I know I should be finishing more Christmas projects but this was just for me.
My Beloved had some stray lumber in the right lengths which I used for the warping frame. I took two dowels and tied them down with yarn I do not particularly care for. I do not know why I bought it. Maybe I was given it????
This is what the warping frame looks like when it is put together.
I am using a cotton warp yarn because my spinning is not good enough yet to make a continuos yarn that does not break. I still spin too thin at times which work well with crochet but not warp. I have tried this past! I tried to keep the warp about 1/4 of an inch apart but the selvage really controls that.
I put a selvage on each edge. My Beloved built me a Navajo loom a bit ago and this is how put a selvage on. This is also the point where you are supposed to be able to sleep and eat.
I had this grandchild all day. My tall short person was hurt last night so she was not in the place to watch over him. I had a few interruptions so I will see how the warp works.
This step is done. It still needs to moved to the loom. It only took four or five hours to do this but it is a have to step. Just for me. I am going to make a yoga rug. We have been enjoying a small handmade wool rug I picked up for our yoga. We decided we needed a larger one. This is how we are going to "buy" one (smile).
(Tall short person's friend was very fascinated with this. He had never seen anything like it, even with eight sisters)

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