i do not go to the gym

I always found going to the gym boring. It is probably why I do so many other physical things. One of my favorite things to do is garden.
This is the majority of our winter garden. I planted lots of broccoli and then a bit of kale, cabbage, and lettuce. Broccoli does have a tendency to be a favorite though. And I enjoy flowers. My Beloved thinks everything I plant should be edible but sometimes you do need food for the soul.
But then we have freezes and the flowers look like the picture. My whole garden becomes a dead mass. So take out my garden fork and start digging. I sprinkle any of the flower seeds that are on the plants over the garden.
I end up with this. I have gotten good work done and my body knows it! Now my garden is almost ready for the next planting. I am going to plant more in the front yard this year then last. I am hoping eggplant and tomatoes, cantaloupe and watermelon, maybe a bit of lettuce and cucumbers, peppers. I find that my summer garden is never as easy as my winter garden but I still enjoy it.
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