is it really only Monday?

It has been a full 48 hours. The Tall Short Person went into labor yesterday morning.
I decided I really needed to get a sling done for her.
She picked the fabrics from my stash and reasoned the smallest short person would not mind becoming a pirate.
While she was in the early stages of labor, we talked while I cut.
And stitched.
The sling is finished and the smallest short person is here.
My role in the proceedings did not happened as planned. The Tall Short person said she did not wish me there and was fine with her friends. At about seven centimeters, that all changed. My Beloved ran into the house and woke me to tell me I was needed. I expected to find a baby born but instead I found the Tall Short Person needed me. Her blood pressure was way to high and so was her heart beat. The smalles short person's heart rate was much too high as well.
We ended transporting her from her home to the hospital on the advice of her midwife. We lucked into the right hospital with the right doctor because the Tall Short Person still finished with a natural birth. Yes, her blood pressure and heart rate were watched so closely. Yes, she had oxygen and a bit of painkiller for sleep. Yes, they were worried that the smallest short person was not getting enough oxygen there at the last bit because his heart beat was so high. But Dr Piegari was tough and got her through it and the Smallest Short Person was born healthy hand whole. Without a C section. We were all very impressed.
7 pounds 13 ounces. 20 1/2 inches long. 3.57 am on 14 November 2011. He looks very much like his mother did.
And now I am a Grandlady. Both My Beloved and the Tall Short Person call me lady so to the Smallest Short Person, I am the Grandlady. He is beautiful and whole and alive and healthy. Not much more can you ask for.

Reader Comments (1)
What a wonderful post! Amazing pictures & even one of you, I can hardly believe it. What a precious miracle little Gabriel is & I am so glad he is here; thankful everyone is healthy & safe. Blessings to All - Elizabeth