while we were waiting for the smallest short person to be born....

I sat with the Tallest Short Person and talked a lot.
I picked up these curly locks in Asheville, at SAFF. The sheep they came from was named Bella. I spent most of Saturday working with the fiber and talking to the Tall Short Person.
It looks like this.
And ends up looking like this. It is something I can do while talking. But not holding the smallest short person.
I do things like cook dinner. I can do that with one hand.
Or drink tea and read. The room we were in was a bit chilly so I wrapped us in an alpaca shawl I made years ago. I am making another in a different pattern. This gave his Momma a few minutes to get a few things settled before baths.
But I still need two hands to card wool. The Smallest Short Person may slow down the process a bit!
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