a bit of crocheting

I had seen a lovely baby blanket on the Purl Soho blog but it was knitted. I tried. I really did but I could just not knit it. I figured out how to have a similar pattern with crochet. This is a wool that I used a double crochet with. I just picked up the back of the stitch each time to make this pattern. It is a little bit warm right now for the Smallest Short Person to use this but tomorrow may be different.
Are they not just lovely. The Smallest Short Person (aka Marlarkey aka the Milk Monster) is two days old here. Not quite. More like 36 hours. And his Momma is the best. These two make it look easy. Maybe they will get some sleep tonight.

Reader Comments (1)
They did they did, they got sleep!!! Danica is human again!!