for baby nacho - part 2

When I was going through my stash for Baby Nacho, I found a Mei Tai baby carrier that was all but finished. One of the fabrids I know is a favorite for Baby Nacho's Momma and Poppa, but they have it with a black background and made into shirts. I started this for Small Mister but the Tall Short Person and my Beloved really liked the slings I had made so I never finished it. The Tall Short Person likes skulls and skeletons so that is why I picked these fabrics in the first place.
I found the directions on line and put it together. Finished almost a year after Small Mister was born for another babe. Is that not how stashes work? Rose is modeling the pocket I put in the outside so Momma or Poppa Nacho can put a diaper or a blanket there for Bably Nacho. Now, if Poppa Nacho wears is black background shirt, Baby Nacho will complement but not blend.
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