spinning wheel!

I just had to share another picture from our trip. This was near our campsite. It makes me smile to see it.
I mentioned that I bought a bit of fiber at SAFF. Here it is. Half of this will need skirting, washing, and carding before I can spin it. The other half just needs to be carded. Looking at this pile I realized that I really need a drum carder. I should be ordering it at the end of this week. Tools! I am a tool junky!
The tool I brought home with me was a new spinning wheel. It is a Lendrum. It is so easy to put together, unless of course Pirate King Malarkey takes over and tells you his adventures on the high sea.
Once I had a little sleep after the drive home, I started spinning. I spun a pound of fiber in an afternoon and evening. There was life that kept me from going straight through but that is okay. I really like this spinning wheel. My Beloved observed that I was never this comfortable using my older one.
And there would never been a way I could spin with Small Mister on my lap. He finds my spinning wheel almost as fascinating as my sewing machine. This wheel has many less pieces that can hurt him if a finger goes towards it while I am spinning.
I think this wheel is just wonderful. It folds down so I can take it with me. I can spin in my rocking chair or watching videos on the "couch." The Pirate King Malarkey can tell me tales of the high seas from my lap. Life is good and full of smiles.

Reader Comments (3)
Helo Elizabeyta,
Sorry to read that you and your loved ones have been unwell.
I just loved the last two pictures of you and the little one, especially the one in the rocking chair. We are heading into summer here now so it will be busy times for me with the produce from our garden being dehydrated or preserved. Today I cut and sliced onions all morning, ending up with 16 bags for the freezer.
When the cooler weather comes I will be getting back into some spinning. I haven't done ant spinning since we left our sheep farm 19 years ago. I loved sitting by the fire in the evening and spinning.
I'll be interested to see what you are going to knit with your wool or maybe it might be crochet.
Blessings Gail
You and the little one look so comfy together such a sweet photo and his smile is just radiant.
It looks as though you are going to have a wonderful time spinning all the "loot" you brought home.
I hope you are feeling better real soon.
Thank you for the well wishes. I keep hoping!
Right now, I am enjoying the process of spinning. I do not knit well but I do hope to crochet some sweaters and shawls. I am also going to spin some yarn for my best friend. She has learned to crochet because of me.