a letterpress

Today we had another cookie decorating party. We had a small turn out because everyone has been busy! We were lucky to get it done this month. I even tried a new gluten free cookie recipe but the one person who would have really wanted it has been sick and did not come. Next time maybe. Then I can tell you how it worked. There was a large pot of potato soup and a large basket of rolls. It made it very good.
I bought myself a letterpress. My friend Ed found it on craigslist. He knows what I like. I went and looked at it and it came home with me. With more then was in the ad. I still have bits and pieces to buy to make a print but I am part way there. I am very quietly excited. I will be more excited when I have bits and pieces and print something.
Now, I need that drum carder! Then my current need for tools is satisfied.
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