hill junkie

This was what I was doing yesterday instead of writing. Learning to skateboard.
I bought the Tall Short Person some early birthday presents. We are both really hard to buy for. My solution is to get an idea and have her there for the purchase. Or she has picked everything out on a website. She was saying that she really wanted to try a short (surf) board after we went surfing this weekend. All ours are long boards.
We went shopping. One of the few things I like shopping for are boards. Well, we now have a new type of board in our lives. She found a skateboard that she liked. So she got a birthday present. The bad thing was that I tried it. And realized that I really like it.
This is my board. It is meant for cruising. Yes, I have all the gear. My Beloved teased me one our long ride yesterday that I am a hill junkie. I love gentle slopes that I can carve on. I am not very good. I wobble. I do not go very fast. But it makes me smile so big! If I cannot surf, skate boarding is a close second.
Yeah, I am a crazy grandmomma. But is life not for adventures and joy?

Reader Comments (2)
You're amazing. Just keep smiling and wear those knee and elbow guards and I don't even have to mention the helmet.
Blessings Gail
Of course a helmet! It is orange!! Makes me smile.