a wedding to go to

My Beloved and I went to a wedding out of town this last weekend. The wedding was lovely and it got us out of town. We did something different, kind of.
We found a state park in New Jersey that ran along the Delaware river. I say kind of different because we like to walk and hike outside. This one was recommended to us by a local. Part of what we liked was how long it was. We were able to stop in more then one town and walk a bit. We saw more river and more towns.
This is one of the ways we like to spend together.
Though we did go into New York City. I bribed my Beloved with going to skateboard shops. He was surprised how much he enjoyed it. We did not really do any of the touristy stuff and we did not get to go everywhere we liked, but we walked a lot. I am sure I do not wish to know how many miles. We found good food and helpful people.
It was a lovely weekend. And the celebration that caused us to go out of town was a blast! Many years and much happiness is wished for our friends!

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