my one "souvenir"

In our travels, we really did not buy anything frivoulous. Yes, I bought some more metal water bottles of the size I like. I have difficulty finding them here. And I bought a ceramic to go cup. I use it everyday and it is NOT white! That is what I liked about it. Tea is so much better not out of paper or metal.
We did make a stop in Laramie, Wyoming to look at anitque tools. There was nothing of interest for My Beloved this time. Maybe there will be next time. He would really like a crosscut saw. We (I) decided to wander downtown Laramie. I loved the name of the yarn shop, Cowgirl Yarn. They had a lot of nice yarns. Some you can find anywhere. Some I had not seen before. Some spun from local fiber. But they had local roving! I picked up a very large roll of roving from Wyoming. Since we have been home, I have used my drop spindle to spin in front of videos. There is so much lanolin in this wool, I am crocheting a shawl as I spin. It is a very fun texture.
A way to get my spinning better. I do find it translates to my spinning wheel.

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