just had to share from our northern backyard

We took a little holiday one day. My Dad had come to see our land and once he left we decided we were all done in.
So we took a little drive in our "backyard." Mt Baker National Forest.
The Tall Short Person had never been. She actually took all these pictures.
And she had a fabulous time doing so!
This way you actually get to see some pictures of me. The temperatures were in the low 70's but there was still much snow. Small Mister did not like it!
The dog thought it was pretty cool though.
My Beloved, Bandit, myself, and Small Mister. We rarely have a picture together.
And this is Mount Baker. Beautiful.
We actually are on one of the ridges of Red Mountain. About as far north on Red Mountain as you can get in the United States.
Can you tell I am missing working outside everyday? And missing temperatures that are not triple digits? We will go back soon just because there is that much work to do. That is life and the care of the land.

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