lumber jacking

We spent a week on our land. Somehow, we hit the only time it has been dry since Thanksgiving. There was no precipitation the week before we got there and the week we were there. My Beloved took down 60 plus trees. We are hoping there was still no rain yesterday and today. If so, our neighbor is taking a bulldozer up and moving the trees and working on the road for us. We are, hopefully, come back to something very different. He said he would send pictures.
I did everything in a long dress. What else is new!
Small Mister had to help My Beloved every step of the way. Even if that meant me holding him from a distance because he did not like the chain saw. I did not mind him not liking the chain saw. We are the Tall Short Person's child care so we took Small Mister with us.
After a day of lumber jacking (and bit of log rolling), this is where the boys usually ended up. It made me smile.

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