getting there

I worked with my letterpress on Sunday. Since the last time I did, I read the manual. I found it online and I learned good things. I also got more tools. Some I ordered. Some I had in the house. The new paper holders that are soft work really well with the Boxcar base I am using. I got about 30 business cards printed that I am happy with. I need to cut more paper to print more and I will need to trim these. Every time I work with the press, I am getting a little better
This is the tool I am using most often for adjustments, a screwdriver. I have lived in this world where a 32nd of an inch or a 16th of an inch makes a huge difference before. But that is usually having to do with the placement of blades on boots. This will require patience but I will get there. I possibly may take a class too. But that would require a road trip. With where my head is, that may be a good thing!

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