for fire

One of the most exciting things about the trip was that this fire pit was created. The Tall Short Person brought a friend. He brought himself and his daughter. It was an interesting trip.
The first full day we were there, he created this fire pit. And benches! We actually had someplace to sit. With the rain that came later in the week, it was nice to be off the ground. The fire pit gave us a place to warm. It did bring out all the pyromaniacs in the family. We found out my mother likes fire as much as the rest of us. Who knew? This is a dry stack rubble ring so we will always continue to have to rebuild. I am collecting more rocks for a house too so there will always be interesting piles.
We also introduced the kids and my Beloved to S'mores. My Beloved had never had them which surprised me with as much camping as he did as a child and teen. Things that get missed.
Another interesting fact. This fire pit is more then the previous owner did on the land for the nine to ten years he owned the property. Especially since this sits in the middle of a clearing that we created. It is just interesting what different priorities people have.

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