a new batch of frontier dress

I was crazy the week before we left for the land. I cut out three cotton dresses and made them. I even double seamed them all since I am tired of the thread breaking after what I consider a too short period of time. Does the universe not know these are supposed to last forever? I had a few of my home work/weekend dresses become tatters recently and I needed a few more.
Even though I made them for home work, land work, garden work, I have been wearing them to the office. I sent an email today to a friend saying I was wearing a frontier dress to work today and they may laugh. My friend said it was not too different then my every day work wear. Oh well.
But they are very comfortable and have pockets. I should have made them a few inches shorter. That way, climbing up the mountain with a Small Mister in my arms or moving logs would have been a bit easier. I just cannot bring myself to make that cut and hem. I know they are going to shrink even though they will not go in the dryer. That is just the universe. These are supposed to be indestructible!

Reader Comments (3)
It's a really nice style and to be honest, I think the longer length is so much more feminine. I have not to much confidence with my dressmaking but I like your idea of using the same style for a few dresses. I think I need to find a pattern like yours.
Have a lovely day.
Blessings Gail.
It is a very old Simplicity 7994 pattern that I use. (http://www.etsy.com/listing/124595023/simplicity-7994-size-lg-exlg-misses?ref=sr_gallery_8&ga_includes%5B0%5D=tags&ga_search_query=Simplicity+7994&ga_search_type=vintage&ga_view_type=gallery) I actually laugh at myself because I modify each pattern piece now.
I hope you had a lovely day.
Thanks Elizabeyta, Can't wait to try this lovely design.
Blessings Gail