until I can crochet for more then minutes at a time

I am spending a lot of time with my spinning wheel. Crocheting uses too many muscles that connect to my shoulder so I start to hurt very quickly when I am doing it. Spinning does not hurt. I have lots of fiber so this is not a problem. The problem is when I need to start using fleeces that need cleaning. I hope I am healed by then. It is like wrangling a quilt.
I am currently spinning this alpaca silk roving. I picked it up the last time were went to the mountain, which right now is a blessing. I have not even tried to turn my carder. Guess which shoulder I usually use with that tool. My Beloved keeps telling me to rest the shoulder. I will keep spinning. I hope I am going to have enough yarn to crochet an old Interweave Knits pattern, a Chanel type jacket. If not, I will make hats and hand warmers.
When I am done with this roving, I am going to spin the Blue Face Leicester roving I dyed pink. It will be sent to its home in Montana then. Like I said, I can just keep spinning.

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