a weekend of figuring out

I have been spending time at my sewing machine figuring out the best way to put sleeves on my a-line dresses. I am liking this style greatly. It fits well under a sweater or a pinny. I can do anything I really want to do in them. I feel lovely and elegant. Since we do not have a full length mirror, I am not sure how they really look, only how I feel.
I think I have the sleeves figured out. My Beloved laughed at me because it means I will have two new dresses. One with sleeves and one without. The one without is from the first test not working out quite right. It pulled funny across my chest. I recut the sleeves and bodice a bit. When I finish the sleeved version, the true test is trying it on. Let us hope it works!
It has been a weekend of boys under the weather. My Beloved is still healing. He is better then last weekend but the dizzies are still around. Small Mister has a cold. I had a lap full of small boy most of the morning. Lately, as soon as he is awake it is "OUTSIDE!" We have not heard that today. It has been a good weekend on the whole.
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