my anniversary gift

Anniversaries are not that big a deal around here. We both agree that we feel like we have been married a minute and forever at the same time. Usually, we will do something nice for dinner, whether in our out. We usually do not give each other anniversary gifts. But when I asked for a lamp for my sewing machine since on our anniversary, my Beloved built me one.
I realized I needed a lamp for my sewing machine since my body is between it and the light. Especially when I am working black on black. It is really tough to see.But when I asked for a lamp for my sewing machine since on our anniversary, my Beloved built me one.
Is it not cool? Mostly it was built from things we had around the house. The dining room is a tad darker now because that is where the light bulb came from. The cord came from an old appliance. That is a habit my Beloved has picked up from my Dad. We are really not sure where the copper tubing came from. It was found.
It is so nice to have light! I really like my lamp.

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